Further Updates from The Cradle Fund (TCF)
The Cradle Fund (TCF) helps rescue, restore, and return Middle Eastern Christians and other religious and ethnic groups to a home where they can live and practice their faith free from fear. This strategy is based on listening to those in the region, and is organized around the idea that every near-term decision impacts the long-term. Wherever and whenever possible, TCF works with the suffering Church in support of those of all faiths who have suffered.
Since our January 2015 update relationships have been further revealed, our long-term strategy further honed, momentum increased, trust deepened, and most importantly, tens of thousands of lives impacted. With your generous support, we are making a difference serving the most marginalized, especially Christians and other minorities, and Muslims as well, who are not in the UN camps.
To date our Cradle Partners include: Assyrian Aid Society, the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, Mosul’s Archbishop Mouche, the Preemptive Love Coalition, the International Orthodox Christian Charities serving in Iraq, Canon Andrew White’s American Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East serving in Iraq and Jordan, Heart for Lebanon serving in Lebanon, and others. Altogether, we have served 112,540 people—providing such things as food, blankets, hygiene packets, clothing, kerosene, heaters, winter-proofing materials for abandoned buildings (e.g., glassless windows), and education.
Dr. Chris Seiple has traveled to the region 4 times in the last 7 months (October, December, February and May). As a result, from grassroots to governments, we have established the trust necessary to engage in such a complex region. Each trip evokes different emotions and bears different experiences. However, regardless of the country or the religious or ethnic group involved, the message Dr. Seiple has received is the same—and a humbling one at that—we are constantly thanked for visiting, AGAIN, and not forgetting them. With your prayers and financial contributions, the above has been made possible.
The Cradle Fund and its partners are also attracting notice on the world stage. Dr. Seiple and two Cradle Partners—Heart for Lebanon and Assyrian Aid Society—attended the World Economic Forum conference in Jordan, where, among other things, the region’s refugee crisis and violent extremism were discussed. Also, Dr. Seiple was invited to join the Atlantic Council’s Middle East Task Force (MEST), where he will serve on its Religion, Identity and Countering Violent Extremism working group. Finally, Cradle Partner Sister Diana of the Dominican Sisters came to the U.S. at the invitation of IGE and 21 Wilberforce Initiative, testifying before Congress on 13 May.
While the headlines about the Middle East today are grim, may this short update provide a bit of encouragement. Please know that you ARE making a difference and your support is invaluable.