At a Capitol Hill event on Monday March 20, the Institute for Global Engagement (IGE), the Religious Freedom Institute (RFI), and the International Religious Freedom Roundtable will hold a launch event for a new policy brief titled “U.S. Foreign Policy and International Religious Freedom: Recommendations for the Trump Administration and the U.S. Congress.” It will be held from 3:00pm-5:00pm in the Kennedy Caucus Room (SR-325) of the Russell Senate Office Building.

The event will begin with a short presentation of the policy brief by its coauthors, Thomas Farr of RFI and Dennis Hoover of IGE. This will be followed by responses from key Senators and Representatives:

– Senator Bob Corker
– Representative Trent Franks
– Representative Bill Flores
– Senator Cory Gardner
– Representative Francis Rooney

The event will also feature a Panel of Advocates and Former Officials:

– Frank Wolf, Former Congressman and Distinguished Senior Fellow at the 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative.
– Kristina Arriaga de Bucholz, Commissioner at U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.
– Andrew Bennett, former Canadian Ambassador for International Religious Freedom, Senior Fellow at Cardus, Senior Research Fellow of the Religious Freedom Research Project at Georgetown University.

Past administrations, both Republican and Democrat, have regrettably had limited success in addressing the alarming increase in religious persecution, radicalization, and violence around the world. The Trump administration has an opportunity, at low cost, to make a major contribution to religious freedom for all and at the same time advance America’s interests in national security, international stability, fundamental human rights, and economic growth worldwide.

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