The fall issue of The Review of Faith & International Affairs has just been released by IGE’s Council on Faith & International Affairs. Available online at, this election year theme issue is entitled “Faith & Foreign Policy: Recommendations for the Next President.” Contributors include:

    Steven E. Meyer on Religion and Security in a Post-modern World

    Daniel Philpott on Reconciliation and Iraq

    Elizabeth H. Prodromou on U.S. International Religious Freedom Policy

    J. Brady Anderson on Faith and U.S. Foreign Assistance Policy

    Ruth Melkonian-Hoover on the Politics of Religion and Immigration

    Dorothy Boorse on Creation Care

    Timothy Sherratt on the Bully Pulpit

    Todd M. Johnson on Global Religious Trends and U.S. Foreign Policy

    R. Drew Smith on Faith-Based Strategies in Africa Policy

    Chris Seiple on Seizing the Middle East Moment

    Peter Nasuti, Philip J. Reiner, and Joshua T. White on South/Central Asia Strategy

    Christopher Marsh on Desecularization in Eastern Europe

    Jared Daugherty and Hien Vu on Engaging Communist East Asia

    Judd Birdsall on Michael Gerson’s Heroic Conservatism

    Stacey Pistritto the Democrats and Religion