The U.S. Military/NGO Relationship in Humanitarian Interventions
The end of the Cold War did not bring global peace. Since 1990 American military forces have been involved in a variety of military actions including a major effort in the Gulf. Our forces have also been involved in a variety of humanitarian operations which require close cooperation with United Nations agencies, international organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, and nongovernmental organizations NGOs).
Members of the military and the NGO communities share a commitment to service, a willingness to work abroad among the dead and dying, and also an acceptance of significant risk in their daily lives. Still, their organizations are profoundly different. As they have begun working together, work in which neither is 'in charge,' they have sometimes regarded each other with suspicion. Our military has now acquired significant experience in the cooperation required in humanitarian interventions. In this volume Captain Chris Seiple, USMC, offers four case studies.