IGE Contributes Paper for Religious for Peace 9th World Assembly
At the request of Religions for Peace, the IGE team prepared a paper, “Welcoming the Other through Just and Harmonious Societies,” one of four papers submitted as background and context for the Religions for Peace 9th World Assembly to be held 20-22 November in Vienna, Austria under the theme, “Welcoming the Other: Action for Human Dignity, Citizenship and Shared Well-being.” The Assembly will be global in scale, multi-stakeholder in composition, and action-oriented. It will bring together over 600 senior religious leaders, youth and women of faith representing the world's religious traditions from over 100 countries. Religious leaders will be joined by representatives of governments, intergovernmental organizations, and other civil society sectors to forge concrete multi-stakeholder partnerships for the common good. IGE welcomes the opportunity to provide strategic insight and recommendations based off of IGE experiences and the IGE theory of change that enables sustainable transformation.