The next gathering of the semi-annual “Women of Faith as Peace-builders” series is quickly approaching. This gathering will focus on “Women of Faith: Rebuilding and Post-Conflict Reconstruction.” The seminar will feature speakers from the United Nations, faith-inspired organizations, grass-roots advocacy groups, and university scholars.Through expert panels and case studies participants will learn more about the critical work of women of faith in post-conflict rebuilding and reconstruction, strategize together for women’s greater effectiveness, and strengthen their support of such work in every context. 

Women of faith participate on multiple levels in the rebuilding of their communities after physical and/or social strife. Their efforts—as well as their communities’ struggles—take a variety of forms. Some religious women find themselves with formal authority and platforms for the work of rebuilding and reconciliation. They are able directly to influence their societies as policy-makers and elected officials. Many other women lack formal authority yet have earned genuine influence and power in their communities, often through their religious participation, identity and integrity. Some women are transformational peace-builders through their social networks and in the most local of ways. At its most effective, their neighbor-to-neighbor relationship-building forms the foundation of all reconstruction and reconciliation. Women of faith “use” their faith and their assigned or chosen place in it in myriad ways for peace-building.

    When: December 7, 2012 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
  • Where: Religions for Peace 777 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017 (second floor)

The organizers of the seminar include Religions for Peace, the Carter Center, the Institute for Global Engagement, Yale University Department of Sacred Music, and the Princeton University Office of Religious Life.

For more information about the gathering, please contact Ms. Kristen Lundquist (