IGE’s spring internship term ends in May, and the interns said they gained valuable experience through their work at IGE. “I was able to observe and be a part of an active non-profit organization that is continually trying to expand its vision and to increase the international dialogue regarding religious freedom,” said Hannah Kett, a junior at Calvin College.

Hannah was one of four interns in the program. As a history and journalism major, she assisted East Asia Program Officer Hien Vu with newsletters, reports, and a communications strategy for IGE’s work in Vietnam and Laos. Her tasks helped her understand: “No matter what you personally might think about a government or a policy, one must present a high level of respect for those you are working with. Also, I saw the impact that simply implementing education programs can have on a country’s policy and actions.”

IGE’s internship program hosts a small group of undergraduates each spring and fall semester, and each summer. Students gain valuable professional and research experience while contributing substantively to IGE’s operations. Stephen Wong, who is pursuing his B.A. in political science at Grove City College, said, “I didn’t feel like I was given work to just keep me busy, but work that was needed to support the staff and ultimately the mission of the organization.”

In addition to their work at IGE’s headquarters, interns are encouraged to attend lectures, discussions, and conferences in Washington. This spring, this included events at Georgetown University, the Hudson Institute, the Brookings Institution, and The Heritage Foundation.

Stephen focused on East Asia projects during his internship. He said, “I enjoyed focusing on a specific region of the world in the religious freedom context. It allowed me to develop a well-rounded view of the issue—especially through IGE’s approach, which recognizes the complexities of religious freedom.”

IGE is preparing to host a new group of interns this summer. For more information about internships at IGE, please contact education@globalengage.org.