The heated debate over the appropriateness of building a new mosque near Ground Zero in Manhattan underscores that America still doesn't quite know what to do with the growing presence of Islam within its borders. Will Islam be accorded a full seat at the nation's religious table? Is it fated at least in the near term to be regarded with suspicion by America and the rest of the Western world?

On Tuesday, 5 October IGE President Dr. Chris Seiple will contribute to a panel at 5-6:30pm at the National Press Club presented by Professor Marshall Breger of Catholic University School of Law. Panelists will examine Islam's place in America, and what this means to American identity. They will consider both empirical and normative aspects of the issue. The panel entitled, “Islam and America: The Challenge of Expanding the Judeo-Christian Paradigm” is part of a four-part symposium series on Critical Insights into Law and Law Practice: Ethical and Moral Responsibility.

For more information on this event click here. Advance registration is required. To register please contact Patty Davila at 202-319-6126.