Are you interested in how religion hinders and/or helps in international conflicts? Would you like to ask questions about how people of faith have contributed to the Middle East conflict? Do you want to hear from a variety of perspectives and then have an opportunity to add your own thoughts? Join IGE and the Institute for Public Service & Policy Development (I.P.S.) for a 3-lecture series featuring Michael Gerson, E.J. Dionne, and Andrea Bartoli, and for a series of luncheon discussions following each lecture.

Lecture 1: Michael Gerson, “Faith or Fanaticism?” (Wednesday, 17 March, 6:30-9:15pm)
Luncheon Seminars 1 & 2 (Wednesdays, 24 & 31 March, 12-1:30pm)

Lecture 2: E.J. Dionne, “Cries for Justice” (Thursday, 29 April, 6:30-9:15pm)
Luncheon Seminars 3 & 4 (Wednesdays, 5 & 12 May, 12-1:30pm)

Lecture 3: Andrea Bartoli, “Overcoming Violence” (Thursday, 20 May, 6:30-9:15pm)
Luncheon Seminars 5 & 6 (Wednesdays, 26 May & 2 June, 12-1:30pm)

The lectures will take place in the Dirksen Senate Office Building (enter at the corner of 1st & C St., NE) near the US Capitol. Luncheon seminars meet in the Nyack-DC seminar room in the Hall of the States, Suite 700 (444 N. Capitol St., NW).

By attending the lecture-and-luncheon course, you will be eligible for a certificate in Religion & Conflict Resolution from Nyack College, DC Campus. Additionally, you will gain a heightened awareness of the increasing importance of religion in international affairs and augment your own professional development in the area of international policy formation.

The lectures are free and open to the public, but the luncheons are limited to registered participants in the certificate program. The cost for the certificate program is $300 and includes all 6 lunches.

The luncheon seminars will be led by Mr. Suhail Khan, Senior Fellow at the Institute for Global Engagement. Dr. Jerry Herbert of I.P.S. and Nyack College, DC Campus will serve as associate instructor/facilitator. Each 90-minute luncheon seminar addresses major themes emerging from the lecture and respondent presentations and from a required reading list. Before each seminar, participants receive discussion questions based on the preceding lecture and respondent presentations and on the required readings. The readings (approximately 60 pages for each luncheon seminar) include articles by the three major speakers and by diverse authors with alternative viewpoints. The certificate course concludes with a short summary thought paper.

Contact Nyack College, DC Campus at or 202-220-1300 to register and learn more.