Please join us on Thursday June 23, 2016, 1:00pm EST for the next installment in the Institute for Global Engagement’s Faith & International Affairs Conference Call Series. The call will feature Dr. Eric Patterson, Dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA, and research fellow at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, Georgetown University. Dr. Patterson will discuss the factors—security, political order on the ground, and efforts at justice and conciliation—that might make for enduring stability, recovery, and transformation if/when ISIS is driven from Syria, Iraq, and Iraqi Kurdistan.

To join the discussion, please email Ms. Meagan Carner ( and provide your first name, last name, affiliation, and number from which you will be calling, after which point the dial-in number and conference code will be sent to you. This invitation is transferable, so please feel free to forward this invitation to colleagues who you think might be interested in the topic or the series. However, please note that an RSVP is required for each individual in advance of the call in order to participate.

About the Institute for Global Engagement’s (IGE) Faith & International Affairs Conference Call series – The Faith & International Conference Call series brings together government and religious leaders, policy makers, scholars, and thinkers to educate and inform on issues at the nexus of religion and global affairs. Facilitated by a member of the IGE senior leadership team, calls will include commentary and perspectives from the IGE staff, as well as other notable practitioners and experts. The series offers callers an open and welcoming forum for discussion on critical global issues where religion plays a key role. Conference calls are held on the last Thursday of each month, unless otherwise noted, with 20 minutes of opening statements from the experts, and up to 40 minutes for questions from callers. Audio recordings and supplemental readings are archived and will be made available for download following the conference call on the IGE website’s media library.