IGE’s internship program offers students interested in religion’s role in international affairs the chance to apply their academic backgrounds in a nonprofit setting. Students at various levels of their academic and professional careers are drawn to IGE’s innovative diplomacy, research, and education programs.

Sumaira Khalid, a recent graduate of Northwestern University School of Law and a former employee of the Embassy of Pakistan, currently works on both the Pakistan program and the program on Religion, Security, and Gender. She says, “Transitioning to IGE was almost natural, as IGE was offering an opportunity to work with the Pakistan country program and work closely on issues surrounding religious freedom. Coming from Pakistan, I fully understand the need for advocacy of inter- and intra- faith dialogue.”

IGE’s unique approach to the field of religion and international affairs attracts students from a variety of academic disciplines to the internship program. Mark Manley studied Arabic and Economics at the University of Notre Dame. At IGE, he is able to broaden his understanding of international relations by working with the East Asia team, conducting research and monitoring the program’s progress.

“I appreciate the thoughtful and respectful approach taken by IGE to working within the context of various countries to find locally owned and culturally relevant solutions to religious freedom issues,” says Sarah Chevallier, a recent graduate of Pepperdine University. She joined IGE to gain a better understanding of how nonprofits work at the nexus of religion and security and religion and development.

The internship program also encourages interns to attend information sessions on fundraising and proposal writing in order to understand essential aspects of nonprofit development. Brittany Ceaser, a graduate of Saint Edwards University, is currently working with the Coordinator for Strategic Development to help expand fundraising strategies and also to help promote IGE’s mission to the U.S. and global community. She interned with IGE in order to learn how NGOs affect international diplomacy.

IGE internships offer students the opportunity to pursue their academic interests and develop professional skills as they assist IGE’s country programs and ongoing projects. Through this, they become integral members of the IGE team. Jessica Smelser, a graduate student at George Washington University, returned for a second semester to assist IGE as an intern. She says, “Seeing how my efforts contribute to IGE’s mission proves that the internship program is a vital component to the Institute’s overall good work in the world. I like knowing that my work makes a difference.”

IGE is accepting applications for the spring 2011 term of its internship program. Please visit our opportunities page for more information.