Washington, DC – (January 13, 2014) – The Institute for Global Engagement (IGE) and Russian Ministries will hold a briefing on Capitol Hill, “Religious Freedom Issues in Eurasia and the Former Soviet Union.” The briefing, sponsored by Congressman Joe Pitts, will examine increasing religious restrictions in Eurasia as well as foster constructive dialogue between Eurasian civil society representatives and government officials on these issues. The briefing will be held on February 5, and is the second in Russian Ministries’ series of annual briefings on religious freedom issues in Eurasia.

Delegates from across Eurasia and the U.S. will participate. Speakers will include Yuri Sipko, pastor and former president of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists, Alexander Klyushev, president of the Association of Religious Organizations of Kazakhstan, Rasim Khalilov, general secretary of the Evangelical Alliance of Azerbaijan, Nijat Mammadli, head of the International Relations Department of the State Committee on Religious Associations of Azerbaijan, Metropolitan Vladimir of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Dr. Mikhail Cherenkov, vice president for the Association for Spiritual Renewal of Ukraine, Gary Bauer, president of American Values and chairman of Campaign for Working Families, Mervyn Thomas, CEO of Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Ed Brown, head of the Human Rights and Religious Freedom Department of Stefanus Alliance.

To RSVP, please contact Wade Kusack of Russian Ministries at wade@russian-ministries.org.

About the Institute for Global Engagement – The Institute for Global Engagement works at the critical intersection of religion and global affairs, building sustainable environments for religious freedom worldwide. Through local partnerships, IGE works transparently to convene, connect, and build consensus among government, religious leaders, and scholars to ensure that all people, of any religion or no religion, have full freedom of conscience and can participate as equal citizens in public life. To learn more about IGE’s engagement in the Eurasia region, please contact Cory Bender at cbender@globalengage.org.