On 3 February 2010, Dr. Chris Seiple addressed the National Security Agency (NSA) at the 2010 Religious Diversity Symposium, the 2nd-ever religion and security forum at NSA. Along with Dr. John Stempel of the University of Kentucky’s Patterson School of Diplomacy, Dr. Seiple spoke to 250 senior members of the intelligence community about the crucial role of religion in security analysis.

Drawing on his recent experiences in Pakistan, Dr. Seiple shared about the imperativeness of faith as the U.S. continues to engage the most religiously conservative region of the world, Central Asia. As Afghanistan and Pakistan continue to dominate foreign policy discussions related to national security concerns, IGE is leading the field with rigorous analysis that is equipping leaders in every sphere of influence.

Read IGE’s most recent issue of the Review of Faith and International Affairson “The Past and Future of the Military Chaplaincy.”

For additional insight on IGE’s approach to religion and security, click here. And to inquire about IGE’s world class training courses in religion and security, please contact the Office of the President at president@globalengage.org.