On January 28, 2009 , the J.M Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies at Baylor University and the Institute for Global Engagement signed a protocol which provides the framework for a working relationship between the institutes. Together, the institutes will provide unique educational programming for scholars, students, and practitioners who seek a holistic understanding of religion’s role in the public square and in international affairs. Through coursework and hands-on learning, the new programs will train leaders to effectively engage people of myriad religious traditions and cultural backgrounds, as well as the governments in which they reside.

The January 28 protocol stems from a Memorandum of Understanding signed between IGE and Baylor University on November 5, 2008. The protocol outlines how both institutes can work together to develop and offer a variety of programs.

It is our ambition that these programs will include:

    A Master of Science degree in Global Engagement;

    Advanced courses in the area of Relational Diplomacy and Global Engagement and other topics;

    Internships and professional development opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students in Washington, DC;

    A periodic conference in Washington, DC on themes related to global engagement, relational diplomacy, and church-state relations in the contemporary world;

    Cooperation between the two institutes’ journals, including an exchange of ideas, advertisements, reviewers, and other information as appropriate; and

    A reciprocal appointment of research and faculty fellows.

This protocol will enhance the scope of the two institutes; make better use of their respective resources; create new avenues to fulfill and expand their respective missions; and increase opportunities for faculty and staff to collaborate on developing stronger programs of mutual interest and benefit.

If you are interested learning more about these programs, please contact education@globalengage.org with your questions.