September 2010 marks the Institute for Global Engagement’s 10th anniversary and commences a year-long celebration of a decade of achievements. IGE’s innovative global programs have contributed to the advancement of religious freedom throughout Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Its ground-breaking quarterly publication, The Review of Faith & International Affairs, and its timely educational initiatives have equipped practitioners and policymakers alike. IGE will celebrate its anniversary with an exclusive evening event at the Army-Navy Club on Sunday, 19 September. The celebration will feature Madeleine K. Albright, former U.S. Secretary of State and member of the IGE Board of Advisors; she will deliver a keynote address on religion and diplomacy.

Reflecting on IGE’s 10 years of progress, IGE President Dr. Chris Seiple commented:

“It has been our privilege these last ten years to see a unique scholarship and approach revealed in our work as a think-and-do-tank. Our scholarship and one-of-a-kind journal, The Review of Faith & International Affairs, have helped pioneer the rediscovery of the role that religion plays in global issues worldwide. And through our relational diplomacy—which uses a top-down approach to sustain bottom-up impact—we have presented a practical framework for promoting religious freedom at the intersection of culture and the rule of law. While we learn anew everyday, we feel blessed by what we have been able to accomplish through our agreements with local partners.”

To learn more about how you can partner with IGE or for more information on hosting a local IGE event in your area during our 10th anniversary year, please contact Abigail Skeans at