After two amazing years of world-class performance, IGE bids farewell to our Amy Rowe, Director of Country Programs.

Amy joined IGE in the spring of 2005 initially as an executive assistant but quickly was promoted to Chief of Staff where she managed IGE’s office administration and finances. She was promoted in 2006 to Director of Country Programs, where she excelled in program administration, project planning, and managing IGE’s country program officers. Amy single-handedly planned and executed two board meetings a year in locations across North America. Amy also introduced new fundraising approaches that have resulted in steady income growth for IGE.

While mastering all these responsibilities Amy also excelled in all kinds of writing. While serving as the main editor of, Amy also pioneered the IGE travel blog, which was so good it was commended by Mark Galli, managing editor of Christianity Today. Amy’s book review of What is the What?, by Dave Eggers was published in The Review of Faith & International Affairs.

Graduates of Texas A&M University, Amy and her husband Trent worked in youth foster care and social services in their native Texas before moving to Washington D.C.. They founded an NGO – Heart for Africa – devoted to raising awareness about poverty and development in Africa. Amy and Trent spent several months with friends traveling through Africa, a trip that they say radically changed their outlook on the world.

A devotee of John Piper, Amy also brought special insight to IGE’s office by leading staff devotions with thoughtful consideration. Amy is also a cheerful encourager, enriching her colleagues with a quick wit and self-deprecating humor.

IGE has reached the final recruitment stage to hire someone to carry out some of the duties Amy performed but of course there is no way to replace a woman so beloved by her colleagues and peers, and partners outside of IGE. We wish Amy and her husband God’s richest blessings as they embark on the new journey of parenthood. We will miss you, Amy!