On Sunday, 19 September 2010, the Institute for Global Engagement celebrated its 10th anniversary at the Army-Navy Club in Washington, D.C. IGE was honored to commemorate a decade of international work with Board members, partners, and long time friends. IGE was proud to present the first Ambassador Robert and Margaret Ann Seiple Award for Global Engagement to its founders to honor their investment in IGE’s enduring legacy of the advancement of international religious freedom.

The event was highlighted by the keynote remarks of Madeleine K. Albright, former U.S. Secretary of State and member of the IGE Board of Advisors, with an intimate on-stage conversation with Dr. Chris Seiple on religion and diplomacy. During the conversation, Secretary Albright noted of IGE’s work: “We need groups like yours doing this kind of work [in international affairs]—your organization is indispensible to the work of religion and diplomatic relations.”