On November 28, a group of over 80 prominent evangelical leaders released a statement calling for a just, lasting two-state solution in the Holy Land. The signatories felt compelled “to speak a word together at this crucial moment” in the peace process, recently renewed in Annapolis.

The evangelical leaders committed to working for a fair, negotiated solution for both Israelis and Palestinians; an enduring peace and a flourishing economy for the democratic State of Israel; and a viable, permanent, democratic Palestinian State with a flourishing economy that offers economic opportunities. The statement makes clear that if the situation does not get better, the national security of Israel, Palestine, and the United States will get worse.

The organizers of the statement had previously organized a similar letter sent to President Bush on July 28 (correcting the widespread view that evangelicals are opposed to a two-state solution), and had met with Dr. Rice on 26 October to discuss the peace process while affirming and encouraging her leadership, as well as the leadership of President Bush.

For further information, contact:

Ron Sider 215-843-9269; 610-645-9354; 215-837-3030 (CP), or,

Chris Seiple, 703.527.3100.