Join us for this year’s Global Leadership Forum on “Evangelicals and Muslims: Perspectives on Mission and Partnership.”


June 16, 5pm-6:30pm. June 17, 9am-3pm.


Salon Rooms D, E, F, Georgetown University Hotel & Conference Center.


This event is free and open to the public.

To RSVP for the June 16 panel, please click here.
To RSVP for the June 17 panels, please click here.


Global Leadership Forum 2010 will feature an honest conversation between Muslims and Evangelicals about their shared values and unique perspectives on mission and partnership. The forum seeks to equip participants with a practical understanding of each faith tradition. It will feature four sessions.

The first session will explore concepts of faith and identity in each tradition, allowing panelists an opportunity to define themselves and describe how their respective identities determine how they live out their faiths. The second features a comparison of the Evangelical and Muslim understandings of mission and dawa, with special consideration for the contrasting beliefs on the meaning of “pluralism” when engaging in evangelizing and proselytizing. The third session will discuss practical approaches for Evangelicals and Muslims to partner with one another, offering real world examples for how to work together despite deep theological differences. In the fourth and final session, we will explore how Muslims and Christians can serve as partners towards reconciliation and conflict transformation.

In the end, we hope this conference will offer participants new perspectives about the potential for Muslim and Christian partnership, and will equip listeners of different faiths with practical tools for engaging in meaningful alliances with one another.


JUNE 16 – Salon Rooms D, E, F – Georgetown University Conference Center


Faithand Identity:What is the basis of my faith, identity and relationship to God, and how does it determine how I live out my faith?


John Esposito, Co-Chair

Chris Seiple, Co-Chair

Joel Hunter

Tamara Sonn

Ahmed Younis

Jerry Herbert

JUNE 17 – Salon Rooms D, E, F – Georgetown University Conference Center


Mission and Dawa: Evangelization or Proselytization?: Comparing Muslim and Evangelical Understandings of Mission


John Voll, Chair

Intisar Rabb

Suhail Khan

Knox Thames

Rick Love

10:30am Break


Partnership:How can we practically live out our faith together, despite irreconcilable theological differences?


Yvonne Haddad, Chair

David Johnston

Yahya Hendi

Bob Roberts

Sayyid M. Syeed


Can Muslims and Christians be Partners in Reconciliation and Conflict Transformation?


John Borelli, Chair

Louay M. Safi

Muqtedar Khan

Chris Seiple

David Shenk


Institute for Global Engagement and the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University.

The Institute for Global Engagement (IGE) is a think-and-do tank at the forefront of the emerging field of religion and global affairs. IGE recognizes that in many of today’s most urgent global issues, religion is part of the problem-but it can also be a vital part of the solution. Through cutting-edge research, education, diplomacy, and partnerships, IGE cultivates a world in which religion, freedom, and security go hand in hand. IGE’s relational diplomacy works through local partners to break down barriers of misunderstanding and transform volatile environments of religious conflict into sustainable environments for religious freedom. IGE programs foster mutual respect and principled reconciliation between religious groups and governments-and between religious groups themselves. Nonprofit, nonpartisan, and non-proselytizing, IGE is a trusted resource on today’s toughest issues of religion and society-from the halls of power in Washington, D.C., to remote villages in Southeast Asia, to the heartland of radicalized Islam along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, and beyond. For more information about IGE, visit

The mission of the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU) is to improve relations between the Muslim world and the West and to enhance understanding of Muslims in the West. Based in Washington D.C., ACMCU realizes its mission by training the next generation of leaders from around the globe and serving as a think-tank for the international exchange of ideas and scholars. Its geographic scope and coverage include the breadth of the Muslim World, from North Africa to Southeast Asia, as well as Europe and America. Center faculty have published more than 80 books and 400 articles on topics including Islam, civilizational dialogue, and Muslim-Christian relations. ACMCU faculty are regularly interviewed and quoted in major publications such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Le Monde, Al- Ahram and many others. They serve as consultants to government and religious leaders, policymakers, universities, corporate executives and members of the media. During its fifteen year history, the Center has become recognized internationally as a leader in the field of Muslim-Christian relations. Please visit our website at

For more information on GLF 2010, please contact