Vicki Blackson
CWFL 2020-21 USA Fellow
Vickie is the co-founder and president of Every Child is Worthy Ministries. Her goal is to help children with disabilities who are often unable to access their community, go to school or church, or receive any specialized care. In their communities, families of children with disabilities often become stigmatized, experience discrimination and become marginalized. Because there is limited community-based support and care available, families may have no choice but to give up children with disabilities and be forced to put them into institutions. This form of “shame” keeps families hidden within the shadows of their communities and limits the opportunities for them to hear the Gospel and the amazing love of Jesus. In many places outside the United States children with physical and/or developmental handicaps are considered “throwaways”, not of any value to society. Vickie wants to do what she can to change that by showing the love of Jesus Christ to the orphans and to the orphanage staff. Vickie has been to Ukraine nine times, Zambia three times and one trip to North Africa. She has been married to her husband since August 1973. They have a son and a daughter and one granddaughter.