Sr. Anne Celestine Achieng Ondigo
CWFL 22-23 USA Fellow
Sr. Anne Celestine Ondigo is a member of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph in Kenya and currently resides in Perry New York-USA. She is an educator who advances advocacy for justice and peacebuilding inspired by the values of the Catholic Social Teachings and St. Francis of Assisi both theoretically and pragmatically.
Sr. Anne is a former lecturer at the Centre for Social Justice and Ethics-Catholic University of Eastern Africa and Daystar University. She has worked with Franciscans International in Geneva, advocating for human rights for African states during Universal Periodic Review at the United Nations. At these forums, human rights records for each state are reviewed and revised to ensure the states’ policies respect all human rights. She also worked at the grassroots level in Africa with the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Africa Office as the Organizing Secretary focusing on the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. One of the success stories was working within the slums of Mukuru-Kenya.
She is a proud member of the Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church. She has written several peer reviewed papers, articles and part of books. She is a national and international speaker in many forums. Sister is a postdoctoral researcher at Boston College Massachusetts, USA. She has a Ph.D in Diplomacy, Peace and International Relations. She earned two Masters, one in Peace Studies and the other in Education. She also has a Bachelor of Education degree.