Aminah Fahd
CWFL 2019-20 Pakistan Fellow
Aminah Fahd is currently working as the Public Relations Officer (PRO) at Gandhara University, Peshawar, Pakistan. She was born in Dera Ismail Khan, in southern KPK, Pakistan and hails from the small, conservative Pasthun village of Lakki Marwat. Owing to young marriage and her role as primary caregiver to three children, her education and professional development has seen many pauses. She worked towards getting her undergraduate degree from home. Following the completion of her Masters in International Relations, she worked as a Research Assistant for The Consultative Workshop on Countering Violent Extremism & Development in Pakistan. Along with her team, she helped develop a curriculum for Chinese officials coming to Pakistan to work for CPEC to educate them about important aspects of Pakistan and to develop strategies to increase cross-cultural understanding and communication skills.
Aminah enjoys spending time with her husband, three children and extended family in Peshawar. The family also loves to travel. She enjoys reading and writing and has freelanced as a content writer, including writing and editing for blogs such as ‘A Wardrobe Affair’ and ‘A Feisty Bulbul’. She is also a member of a women’s book club in Peshawar; they have recently started a children’s chapter as well.