Institute for Global Engagement Search


A New Framework for Promoting Religious Freedom in China (Task Force Report)

  • March 15, 2005

This report outlines 10 principles that should guide an approach toward constructive engagement.

  1. Integrate freedom of religion and belief with other human rights and rule of law initiatives.
  2. Build consensus and cooperation among outside actors.
  3. Support indigenous problem-solving.
  4. Promote an understanding of the positive synergy linking religious freedom, sustainable economic development, and a modern society.
  5. Address the fears of the Chinese government regarding religious extremism as a threat to social stability and national security.
  6. Focus on provincial and local, as well as central actors.
  7. Work in cooperation with the Chinese Diaspora.
  8. Coordinate regional and international approaches around international norms.
  9. Focus attention on improvements at the local level in China.
  10. Provide forums for planning.

The report also offers recommendations for key actors across all major sectors.

See also the article at The Review of Faith of Faith & International Affairs derived from this report.

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